Erin O. White is the author of Given Up for You: A Memoir of Love, Belonging, and Belief. Her work has appeared in various online and in-print publications, including The New York Times, Creative Nonfiction, Killing the Buddha, and Portland Magazine. Her essays have also appeared in several anthologies, most recently The Bitch Is Back: Older, Wiser, and (Getting) Happier.

Her short story, "The Minister," appears in the May/June 2018 issue of the Kenyon Review. 

She is currently at work on a novel about twentieth century Catholic radicals.

You can find her online here:

Erin O.White on Reconciling Faith and Sexuality, an interview with MB Caschetta at Lambda Literary, April 2018

Church Is What We Create With Each Other, On Being, March 2018

When I Was a Girl I Wrapped Books, The Millions, November 2017

A New Sort of Rest, Portland Magazine, Fall 2016

Love in the Time of Catholicism, The Morning News, October 2015

"But Aren't You Already Married?"  The Supreme Court, Same-Sex Marriage, and Kids, The New York Times, June 18, 2015

Faith Enough, Killing the Buddha, June 2015

The Last Book I Loved: Heather Has Two Mommies, The Rumpus, April 2015


Her Literary Mama column, The Hen House, is archived here